MWW Highlighted Post- 3/28/19
This week’s MWW email only has one resource, and it’s highlighted in this blog post. If you’ve never read this book, I recommend you do it this week. Dr. Frankl’s most iconic book tells a story of surviving nazi concentration camps, and all the hardships he endured. After surviving nazi Germany, Dr. Frankl went on to become a world renowned psychologist and created his form of therapy called “logotherapy”.
I remember reading this book as part of my graduate school program, and since becoming a professional counselor, I’ve shared it with hundreds of clients. The book centers around finding meaning in life, even in the struggles. I appreciate how Frankl differed from Freud (who believed seeking pleasure was the main drive) by defining life as finding meaning and purpose.
This book can be found online, in second hand bookstores, major bookstores, or probably for free at your local library. In our culture of instant gratification and “shiny object syndrome”, I believe this book is even more crucial to read and implement than ever! If you take on the challenge to read this book, leave a comment and let me know what you think.